After my last newsletter about what your time is worth, I had many dentist email me asking how they figure that number. I spoke with several of these dentists and asked them about their practices. One in particular said his office is so busy that the next appointment on his schedule is in three weeks and hygiene is booked a month out. He said that he must be producing what I think is enough just based on that. Well, we ran the numbers and found that he is busy, not productive. Being productive in a dental practice takes coaching and then scheduling becomes an art based on what was taught. This dentist was doing half of what he should have been doing based on his new patients and active patient count. My challenge to you is to go back three months on your schedule, figure how many hours you worked for those three months. Now add up your production (not the office) and divide by the number of hours you worked. If that number is not at least $600 then your office can benefit from scheduling coaching. If you are doing over $600 an hour, then congrats, you have a great thing going, just make sure to check that number each month and make sure the trend stays up. Everyone can get to $600 hour, it just takes the want to, the skill level, the service mix and the right team in place!
Kimberley Franek
CEO & Founder
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